InsureTech Catalyzt
Reimagine Risk Management Business
We are working on insurance solutions for digital natives
Our health informatics and telematics service designs can be of great value to insurance businesses
Our designs include smart contracts and ledgers in multiple functions
Our visions include new ways of lives and risk data
We hold partnerships with some of the innovative insure tech companies for IoT based solutions
We can reduce our opex with efficient managed services. Our ability to automate processes with Computer Vision and Machine Learning technologies will come very handy
Customer Experience
We believe insurance is very sensitive business and references count a lot. Ensuring you offer the best customer experience not alone rely on the claim settlement ratio but a lot on the Onboarding and Up selling experiences.
We build intelligent processes and automations that can help you gain amazing intel. The data engineering and business analytics solutions give you an edge over the competition for new businesses generated on digital platforms.
Health Informatics
Health informatics from wearables and medical devices have started playing a critical role in how premiums and claims are managed.
New products have to be created for the digital natives which will help in acquiring that demographic business.
Our health informatics platform along with customer experience solutions is powerful combination for dynamic business models and decision makers.